Berdasarkan hasil tes wawancara, dan pemeriksaan kesehatan yang telah dilakukan, berikut adalah Daftar Penerima Beasiswa bagi Mahasiswa Asing Tahun Angkatan 2024/2025
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Berdasarkan hasil tes wawancara, dan pemeriksaan kesehatan yang telah dilakukan, berikut adalah Daftar Penerima Beasiswa bagi Mahasiswa Asing Tahun Angkatan 2024/2025
In connection with the plan to implement Period 5 Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKNT) activities as one of the implementations of Merdeka
Berdasarkan hasil tes wawancara dan pemeriksaan kesehatan yang telah dilakukan, maka dengan ini kami menyatakan bahwan
In order to ensure smoothness, order and uniformity in the implementation of academic activities in the environment
In connection with the formation of collaboration and implementation of Student Exchange activities which are carried out on an ongoing basis
In order to implement Minister of Education and Culture Regulation no. 3 of 2020 concerning National Education Standards
Notified to all academic community (lecturers, education staff and students) in the area
Based on the results of written tests, interview tests, and medical examinations that you have carried out