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Visi Misi


Duta Bangsa Surakarta University's vision is "To become an excellent university in the field of business and entrepreneurship at the global level by 2024"


  1. Organizing entrepreneurship and business-based education in order to prepare human resources who are independent, innovative, visionary, faithful and globally oriented
  2. Carrying out innovative and creative research that can increase the nation's excellence and competitiveness
  3. Implementing the results of technology and research in order to increase the level of community welfare
  4. Establishing domestic and international cooperation that is beneficial for the progress of the University and universal scientific and technological development


  1. Producing graduates who have morals, ethics, personality and morals and become good role models for society
  2. Producing graduates in the fields of entrepreneurship and business of global quality in order to increase the nation's competitiveness
  3. Producing research that is innovative and beneficial for the progress of Science and Technology
  4. Producing community service work in order to improve the welfare of the nation
  5. The implementation of domestic and international cooperation that is beneficial for the progress of universities and universal scientific development