S1 - Akuntansi

Erna Chotidjah Suhatmi, S.E., M.Ak
Head of Undergraduate Study Program - Accounting
Study Program Description
Since the initial admission of new students in the academic year 2019/2020, the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program has received a positive response from the public. This is evidenced by the number of prospective students applying, with an average ratio of applicants to accepted students greater than 1:5. The new student admission process is conducted rigorously to select prospective students who have high academic achievement and motivation to complete their education on time and achieve the expected learning outcomes. Evidence of successful selection and learning processes is demonstrated by the achievement of GPA every semester ≥ 3.00 and various academic achievements, including 2nd place in the Business Impact On Global competition at the international level in 2020. At the national level, our students have secured 1st place in academic writing competition in 2020, received an honorable mention in Debate competition in 2021, and won 3rd place in the best paper competition in 2020. At the local level, achievements include 1st place in HMP Accounting Business Plan competition in 2021, 1st & 3rd place in Accounting Technician Competency Test competition in 2020, and 3rd place in creative business video-making competition in 2021. In non-academic competitions, students have also excelled, winning 3rd place in an international TikTok competition in 2021. At the national level, they secured 1st place in Scientific Oration competition in 2020 and 2nd place in poetry writing competition in 2020. Locally, students won 1st place in mask-making competition in 2021, 1st place in flower-making competition, and 1st & 2nd place in business plan poster video-making competition in 2021.
Graduate Profile
Financial Report Auditor, Tax Consultant, Financial Analysis, Accounting Designer, Entrepreneur, and others.
E-Library, Online Information Systems, Lab. Basic Accounting, Lab. Computers, Student Cooperatives, Lab. Language, Teaching Factory, Agrotourism, Lab. Moot Court, Lab. Network, Grand City Hotel, Teaching Factory, Lab. Multimedia, air-conditioned lecture halls, etc.