S1 - Manajemen

Agus Suyatno, S.Pd., M.M
Head of Undergraduate Study Program - Management
Study Program Description
The Bachelor's Degree Program in Management has 7 Permanent Study Program Lecturers (DTPS) who are qualified in the field of Management. The Bachelor's Degree Program in Management is a new study program with 4 lecturers holding Lector functional positions, 2 lecturers as Assistant Experts, and 1 Teaching Staff, with 5 lecturers having obtained Lecturer Certification (serdos). To enhance lecturers' competencies in the Three Pillars of Higher Education, the Faculty has made efforts to develop lecturer quality through: Pekerti Training, Workshops, Seminars, Comparative Studies, Lecturer Exchange, Joint Research, Joint Publication, participation in competitions, and other activities. The faculty's efforts in improving these Three Pillars activities have resulted in various achievements, including: 17 research titles, 20 Community Service titles, 11 Intellectual Property Rights, 5 accredited national journals, 8 non-accredited national journals, 1 reputable international journal, 3 international journals, and 3 titles funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education/Ministry of Education and Culture.
Graduate Profile
Business Entrepreneur, ASN (State Civil Apparatus), Government Employee, Academic Employee, Social Employee, Employee in a private company, Technopreneur, and others.
E-Library, Online Information Systems, Lab. Management, Lab. Computer, Lab. Language, Student Cooperative, Teaching Factory, Agrotourism, Lab. Network, Grand City Hotel, Lab. Multimedia, air-conditioned lecture halls, etc.