S1 - Agribisnis

Retna Dewi Lestari, S.P., M.Si
Head of Undergraduate Study Program - Agribusiness
Study Program Description
The Agribusiness Study Program is a study program that studies the field of agriculture along with the business of agricultural management and agricultural products, both on the scale of management from MSMEs to large companies. The word business in the Agribusiness Study Program shows the participation of graduates in order to maximize profits from the agricultural products they produce. By combining agricultural and economic sciences, the Agribusiness Study Program will examine human efforts in developing natural resources and the environment so that they are more efficient in meeting life's needs, and can produce profitable products. There is a huge opportunity for graduates of this study program to utilize agricultural products and all their derivative products to produce optimal profits considering that Indonesia has a very diverse range of agricultural products.
Graduate Profile
- Design Product Engineering: designing products based on consumer needs and managing production in an integrated manner.
- Production Control Professional: designer, implementer and production control or PPC Manager in a company.
- Business Entrepreneur: developing a company with engineering and management knowledge.
- Industry Employee: able to pursue a career in private industry or (BUMN).
- Academic Employee: able to build a career as an academic.
E-Library, Online Information Systems, E-Learning, Lab. Agribusiness, Agrotourism, Smart Farming, Lab. Language, Lab. Computer, Lab. Network, Tax Center Cooperative, Teaching Factory, Grand City Hotel, Air-conditioned Lecture Hall, Pharmacy, and others.