Profesi NERS

Ikrima Rahmasari, S.Ke.,Ns.,M.Kep
Head of the NERS Professional Studies Program
Study Program Description
Bachelor of Nursing Education is higher education which aims to produce professional nursing graduates in accordance with the competencies set by AIPNI (Association of Indonesian Nursing Education Institutions). Meanwhile, the NERS Professional Program is a continuation of the academic stage of Bachelor of Nursing education. This means that this stage is carried out after completing the Bachelor of Nursing Program with a study load of two semesters. Students who have passed the NERS Bachelor of Nursing and Profession will receive the title: S.Kep., Ners.
Graduate Profile
Care Provider (Nurse who provides care to individuals, families and special groups in clinical and community settings), Communicator (Interaction and Transactions with clients, Families and Health Teams), Health Entrepreneur, Nursing Manager, Researcher.
Lab. IGD, Lab. ICU, Lab. Basic Nursing, Lab. Medical Surgical Nursing, Lab. Pediatric Nursing (Sick), Lab. Pediatric Nursing (Growth & Development), Lab. Gerontic Nursing, Lab. Community/Complementary Nursing, Post Mortem, Lab. Computer, Lab. Languages, Mini Hospital, AC Lecture Halls, and others.