
The history of Duta Bangsa University Surakarta cannot be separated from the establishment of the Aksmi Kusuma Bangsa Course and Training Institute (LKP) which was founded in 1995 and founded by Drs. Singgih Purnomo through the Kusuma Bangsa Adi Prakarsa Foundation, this institution was initially an educational institution that prepared skilled workers in various fields with a duration of 1 year (equivalent to D1). At that time, interest in entering a one-year education program was very large, because the skills offered were really needed in the world of work and the cost of education was affordable. With this success, in 1997 LKP Citra Medika was established which opened a one year education in the health sector which was also quite popular with the public.
As the welfare of society increases, the demand for higher education also increases, therefore through the Internusa Foundation a proposal for the establishment of a tertiary institution was prepared in 2001, namely the proposal for the Citra Medika Academy of Medical Recorders and Health Informatics (APIKES) whose permit was approved by the Department National Education Based on Decree of the Minister of National Education No: SK No: 276/D/O/2002 with the D-3 Medical Records and Health Informatics Study Program.
Seeing the high opportunity for interest in pursuing education in the very high field of computers, through the Kusuma Bangsa Adi Prakarsa Foundation proposed a Computer College, then in 2004 the Duta Bangsa College of Information and Computer Management (STMIK) was established whose permit was approved by the Ministry of National Education based on Decree of the Minister of National Education No: SK No: 24/D/O/2004 with the Undergraduate Study Program in Information Systems and D3 Information Management, while the Undergraduate Study Program in Informatics Engineering and D3 Computer Engineering was established in 2007.
In the context of developing health education services, in 2007, through the Internusa Foundation, the Citra Medika Midwifery Academy was established with the Minister of National Education No: SK No: 174/D/O/2007. The desire to develop quality higher education has always been the goal of the foundation's management, so In 2012, it was proposed to change the form to a College of Health (STIKES), but with all the efforts that had been made, this proposal was rejected by the Director General of Higher Education.
Based on the results of the management meeting of the Kusuma Bangsa Adi Prakarsa Foundation, the Internusa Foundation and the academic senate meeting of STMIK Duta Bangsa, Apikes Citra Medika and the Citra Medika Midwifery Academy, it was again proposed to merge these three institutions into a University in 2016 and on 29 August 2018 by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education has been approved for the establishment of Duta Bangsa Surakarta University with Decree No: 729/KPT/I/2018.