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S1 - Teknik Informatika

S1 - Teknik Informatika | Pages | UDB Moving

Joni Maulindar, S.Kom., M.Eng

Head of Undergraduate Study Program - Informatics Engineering

Study Program Description

The Faculty of Computer Science, Duta Bangsa University, Surakarta has a Bachelor of Informatics Engineering Study Program that is recognized through 4313/D/T/2008. This program is present in the midst of rapid technological developments that drive significant changes in various aspects, such as community life, the business world, government, and education. The Bachelor of Informatics Engineering Study Program faces challenges as well as opportunities to produce human resources who are able to compete and adapt to developments in science and technology. This program is the answer for stakeholders in facing these dynamics.

Located in the center of Surakarta City, the Bachelor of Informatics Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Computer Science, Duta Bangsa University, Surakarta is able to motivate the community to continue their education to a higher level with competencies in the fields of Intelligent System Developer, Mobile Application Developer, Security System Specialist, and Technopreneur. This study program is committed to realizing graduate competencies through accreditation-based program management, curriculum design according to the National Higher Education Standards (SN-DIKTI), the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) level 6, and curriculum guidelines from the Association of Informatics and Computer Higher Education (APTIKOM).

Graduate Profile

Intelligent Systems Developer, Mobile Application Developer, Security Systems Specialist, Technopreneur, Programmer, IT Consultant, IoT Development and others.


E-Library, Online Information System, Tax Center Cooperative, Lab. Language laboratory. Assembly, Lab. Network, Grand City Hotel, Lab. IoT, Lab. Computers, Teaching Factory, Lab. Multimedia, air-conditioned lecture halls, etc.