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S1 - Sistem Informasi

S1 - Sistem Informasi | Pages | UDB Moving

Nibras Faiq Muhammad, S.Kom M.Kom

Head of Undergraduate Study Program - Information Systems (Enterprise and Data Science)

Study Program Description

The Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Computer Science, Duta Bangsa University, Surakarta is located in the center of Surakarta City and is able to encourage the community to continue their education at a higher level that has competencies in the fields of Business System Analyst, System Designer, Programmer, Database Designer, Database Administrator and Technopreneur. The Information Systems Study Program has a commitment to realizing student competencies that have been realized through the management of study programs based on accreditation instruments, curriculum design referring to the National Higher Education Learning Standards (SN_DIKTI), KKNI level 6 and the formulation of higher education curriculum by the Informatics and Computer Higher Education Association (APTIKOM).

To prepare students' careers, the efforts of the IS study program include formulating and determining graduate profiles (Business System Analyst, System Designer, Programmer, Database Designer, Database Administrator and Technopreneur) supported by learning outcomes (attitude, knowledge, general skills and specific skills), the student's study load must complete 149 credits spread across semesters 1 to 8 and can be completed in 4 years, the concept of implementing a 6-semester curriculum for lectures on campus, 2 semesters students apply learning outcomes through Independent Learning activities or field work practices with a duration of 3-6 months and produce ready-to-use innovative works through a thesis, the learning method is supported by 70% of project-based courses and accelerated by the movement of outstanding students/innovative works, seminars/workshops are mandatory, competency certification is a requirement for student graduation, the productivity of student activities is stated in the Diploma Accompanying Certificate (SKPI).

Graduate Profile

Enterprise Information System Developer
Enterprise information system developers have the ability to include designers, creators, testers, evaluators, business rule makers, and prepare supporting resources for information systems (IS) so that the organization's business goals/problems can be achieved/resolved efficiently and effectively through IS assistance. This role can be performed by, among others, IS/IT Project Managers, System Analysts, Business System Analysts, System Designers, Programmers, and Application Architects.

Information System Consultants
System consultants and integrators have the ability to supervise, evaluate and consult on information technology (IT) solutions, as well as integrate various business processes facilitated by IS/IT including at the enterprise level. This role can be performed by, among others, IS/IT Consultants, Practice Managers, Enterprise Architects, and ERP Specialists.

Graduate profile Academics have the ability to teach, research, and develop knowledge in the field of information systems. This role allows graduates to become lecturers, researchers, or technology consultants, who contribute to the development of science and implementation of information systems in various fields.

Technopreneur has the ability to manage a business using information technology. Roles that can be done include making business plans, making integration of business process plans with information technology


E-Library, Online Information Systems, Lab. Language, Lab. Assembly, Lab. Network, Grand City Hotel, Lab. Computer, Lab. Data Science, Teaching Factory, Lab. Multimedia, air-conditioned lecture halls, etc.

Graduate of

Danial Raza Jefri

Danial Raza Jefri. Working at PT. Varnion Technology Universe. Position Staff div Product Fullstack Programmer

Erfin Aditya

Erfin Aditya. Worked at the company Manaknight Inc (Backend Engineer Position), OmahGue.com/PT Muda Benefit Indonesia (CTO Position), Genossys (CO-Founder & Fullstack Dev Position)

Aris Kurniawan

Aris Kurniawan. Working as a Web Developer & Digital Advertising Publisher

Agung Dirmansyah

Agung Dirmansyah. Works at the Digital Media company Integra Jaya. Position as director.


Isbandiah. Working for the company PT. Telkom Access. Commerce Team Leader position

Ditya Permana Adi

Ditya Permana Adi. Working in a hospital. Waluyo Home. Position of Head of Information Technology Department.


Fifing. Works at the Minhajul Haq Islamic Boarding School company, Purwakarta. Position of Head of Technology and Information.

Ady Martanto

Ady Martanto. Works at Navia Kebab company. Ownership Position.

Abdul Rohman

Abdul Rohman. Works at MM Computer company. Ownership Position.

Hanifah Permatasari

Hanifah Permatasari. Works at Duta Bangsa University Surakarta company. Lecturer and Secretary Position for Undergraduate Study Program - Information Systems.