S1 - Administrasi Rumah Sakit

Hesti Latifa Noor, S.KM., M.A.R.S
Head of Undergraduate Study Program - Hospital Administration
Study Program Description
This study program aims to produce skilled personnel in the field of hospital management who are professional and able to manage hospitals efficiently and satisfy all stakeholders. In this study program you will study the ins and outs of hospital operations and management in detail. Hospital administration students will learn how to run a hospital system systematically, manage hospital managerial activities, and manage hospital operations efficiently, especially to be able to compete in the era of the Industrial Revolution. Hospital administration graduates will have the competency to manage outpatient services, inpatient care, laboratories, emergency rooms, medical check-ups, medical records, personnel management, housekeeping, public relations.
Graduate Profile
- Hospital Administration: Manager in finance
- Human Resources, Services & Logistics. Hospital Information System Management: Developer & Manager of Computer & Web Based Hospital Service Systems
- Hospital Administration Manager: Occupational Safety & Health Manager, Public Relations Manager, Marketing Manager
E-Library, Online Information Systems, Lab. Computer, Lab. Hospital Administration, Lab. Medical Records, Mini Hospital, Lab. Management & Entrepreneurship, AC Lecture Hall, Pharmacy, Lab. Skin Care, Baby Spa, and others.