D3 - Kebidanan

Siti Farida, S.Si.T., M.Kes
Head of D3 Study Program - Midwifery
Study Program Description
The Diploma III Midwifery Study Program is vocational education in the midwifery education program which produces executive midwives with the title of Midwifery Expert (A.Md.Keb). The Midwifery Study Program is a field of science that studies the science and art of preparing for pregnancy, assisting with childbirth, childbirth and breastfeeding, fertility intervals and regulation, climacterium and menopause, newborns and toddlers, human reproductive functions and providing assistance/support on women, their families and communities. The skills possessed by graduates of this study program are: preconceptual midwifery care, family planning and gynecology, midwifery counseling care during pregnancy, midwifery care for labor and birth, midwifery care for postpartum and breastfeeding mothers, midwifery care for newborns, midwifery care for babies, child care. community midwifery and midwifery care for women with reproductive disorders.
Graduate Profile
- Midwifery Care Provider/Care Provider: acts as a provider of midwifery care during pregnancy, childbirth and newborns, postpartum, family planning, babies and toddlers under normal conditions
- Managing Entrepreneurship in midwifery services which is his responsibility, carrying out early detection and initial treatment of emergencies (SOP) and professional code of ethics in health service settings.
E-Library, Online Information Systems, Lab. Computer, Lab. Languages, Mini Hospital, AC Lecture Hall, Pharmacy, Lab. Skin Care, Baby Spa, Lab. ANC (Antenatal Care), Lab. INC (Intranatal Care), Lab. PNC (Postnatal Care), Lab. Neonates, Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers, Lab. Kespro & KB (Reproductive Health & Family Planning), Lab. KDK (Basic Midwifery Skills).
Graduate of

Ardika Kurniasih., Amd.Keb
Ardika Kurniasih., Amd.Keb graduated in 2017, currently working to manage the business he founded, namely "Arsi Baby, Mom & Kids Spa"

Luth Pita Putri Larasati., Amd.Keb
Luth Pita Putri Larasati., Amd.Keb graduated in 2015, currently working as a civil servant midwife at the Lorulun Nursing Community Health Center, Kab. Tanimbar Islands

Melia Purnama Putri., Amd.Keb
Melia Purnama Putri., Amd.Keb, currently works as a Midwife at Bakti Rahayu Hospital Surabaya

Fifin Andiyah Sari., Amd.Keb
Fifin Andiyah Sari., Amd.Keb graduated in 2018, currently working to manage the business he founded, namely "Ceria Baby Spa"

Ezra Putri Ratnasari., Amd.Keb
Ezra Putri Ratnasari., Amd.Keb graduated in 2016, currently working as a Midwife at Indriati Hospital Solo Baru

Nita Istiyana., Amd.Keb
Nita Istiyana., Amd.Keb graduated in 2011, currently working to manage the business she founded, namely "D'orin Mom, Kids and Baby Spa"

Nanik Fitriani., Amd.Keb
Nanik Fitriani., Amd.Keb graduated in 2011, currently working to manage the business she founded, namely "Rakha Mom and Baby Spa"