S1 - Teknik Industri

Febrina Agusti, S.T., M.T
Head of Undergraduate Study Program - Industrial Engineering
Study Program Description
The Industrial Engineering Study Program is a field of science that studies how to optimize human activities such as: production, management and economics. Industrial Engineering graduates will be responsible for the practical optimization of factory production systems, strategy proposals, and optimal design of company management. In the Industrial Engineering Study Program, industrial problem solving will be studied using a mathematical approach. The skills possessed by graduates of this Study Program include: ability to carry out analysis, ability to think systematically, managerial ability, problem solving ability, ability to make decisions, ability to work in a team, ability to apply technology used to improve company optimization.
Graduate Profile
- Design Product Engineering: designing products based on consumer needs and managing production in an integrated manner
- Production Control Professional: designer, implementer, and production control or PPC Manager in a company
- Business Entrepreneur: developing a company with engineering and management knowledge
- Industry Employee: able to pursue a career in private or state-owned industry
- Academic Employee: able to build a career as an academic.
E-Library, Online Information Systems, Lab. Industrial Engineering, Lab. Computer, Lab. Language, Lab. IoT, E-Learning, Lab. Network, Teaching Factory, Lab. Assembly, Grand City Hotel, AC Lecture Hall, Pharmacy, etc.