S1 - Hukum

Aris Prio Agus Santoso, S.H. M.H
Head of Undergraduate Study Program - Law
Study Program Description
The Legal Study Program is a study program that studies various legal systems related to social life. In this study program, students also learn about legislation, including basic law (constitution, civil law, commercial law, constitutional law, criminal law, criminal code) to international law with a fairly broad scope. At the end of the study period, students are required to apply the knowledge they have gained during their studies through internships in various law firms, court institutions, and also the prosecutor's office. Students who have completed their education are expected to be able to master law and the legal system in Indonesia, have the skills and scientific knowledge to develop law, be sensitive to issues of justice and society, be able to recognize and analyze legal problems, and be able to apply laws and regulations to resolve legal issues.
Graduate Profile
- Judge
- Arbitrator: Resolve disputes, both litigation and non-litigation.
- Advocacy: Advocating for children and women as psychological and physical crimes.
- Negotiator
- Notary Assistant
- Legal/Law Bureau
- Personnel/Constructing Law
- Researcher
- Legal Consultant, and others.
E-Library, Online Information Systems, Lab. Computer, Lab. Language, Judicial Practice, LBH, Lab. Network, Grand City Hotel, Teaching Factory, Lab. Multimedia, air-conditioned lecture halls, etc.