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D3 - Keperawatan

D3 - Keperawatan | Pages | UDB Moving

Fakhrudin Nasrul Sani, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep

Head of D3 Study Program - Nursing

Study Program Description

The Nursing Diploma III Study Program is an educational program aimed primarily at readiness to apply expertise in the field of nursing, as a nurse implementing nursing care for individuals, families and special groups in clinical and community settings who have the ability to meet basic human needs which include Bio, Psychological aspects. , Socio, Cultural and Spiritual in conditions of health, illness and emergencies. The Diploma III Nursing Study Program has the advantage of complementary nursing with a learning process based on the values of independence, innovation, visionary, faith and global orientation. These advantages are integrated into the learning, research and community service processes.

Graduate Profile

Care Provider (Nurses who provide care to individuals, families and special groups in clinical and community settings), Communicator (Interaction and Transactions with clients, Families and Health Teams), Health Entrepreneur.


Lab. IGD, Lab. ICU, Lab. Basic Nursing, Lab. Medical Surgical Nursing, Lab. Pediatric Nursing (Sick), Lab. Pediatric Nursing (Growth & Development), Lab. Gerontic Nursing, Lab. Maternity Nursing, Lab. Psychiatric Nursing, Lab. Community/Complementary Nursing, Post Mortem, Lab. Computer, Lab. Languages, Mini Hospital, AC Lecture Halls, and others.